- No pupils shall directly or indirectly take part in any political activity nor shall he/she indulge in any sort of activities prejudicial to his/her studies and the reputation of the institution. No students will participate in any games or competitions or represent the school for any function without the prior permission of the Headmaster, violation of this rules may result in suspension.
- The school authority reserves the right to direct pupil to withdraw from the institution in case his/her conduct is found to be unsatisfactory and in that event he/she shall abide by such a decision.
- Any damage done to school property must be made good by paying a fine by the pupil or pupils concerned.
- No books, magazines, mobile phone, computer games, pen drive, comic books or papers must be brought to the school without the permission of the Headmaster. Parcels and letters are subject to inspection.
- Examinations are to be done with seriousness and discipline. Any one using unfair means in the examination/test, if discovered subsequently, will be debarred from further examination. He/she will be declared to have failed and may be expelled from the school. If one is absent for the examination zero mark will be awarded for those subjects.
- There will be neither anticipation nor postponement of any examination to suit any students or guardians convenience. There will be no special examination for anyone who for any reason was unable to appear for examination as scheduled.
- To secure promotion, one must obtain pass mark in all subjects in the annual tabulation which is the average of all unit tests, half-yearly and final examinations held during the year.
- Pupils who fare badly in the examinations may be asked to leave the school.
- The cultural and C-curricular activities of the school are conducted as competitions and all are expected to take part in them.
- Complaints, in any regarding evgaluation of answer scripts & tabulation of result should be lodged within 2 days from the announcement of results & no complaints shall be entertained thereafter.
- A pupil who fails twice in the same class or twice in three consecutive years will be asked to leave the school.
- Great importance is given to good behavior and manners and moral values at all times.
- Any misbehavior of a serious nature that has become public knowledge is liable to bring about suspension or dismissal even though it took place outside the school premises.
- Smoking, chewing of betelnut, eating tobacco products in any form, eating supari of any kind, chewing gum, bubble gum, use of alchol or any sort of drugs are strictly forbidden. Anyone found indulging in them is liable to be punished with suspension or expulsion from the school.
- Pupils are responsible at all times for the safe custody of their books and belongings.
- For the well- being and smooth running of the school the authorities may ask a guardian to withdraw his/ her ward from the school without giving any reason.
- No collection for any purpose whatsoever may be made without the prior permission from the Headmaster.
- Students are expected to speak English at all times within the school campus. No student shall leave the school campus during school hours without the permission of the Headmaster.
- There shall be no fighting, quarrelling, calling nick names or bad words among students in the school or outside the school. If there is any disagreement between students, they should meet the class teachers or the Headmaster who would listen both parties and will take appropriate action. If anyone violates this rule, he/she will be suspended or even expelled.
- No act of indiscipline, disobedience, disrespect to any teacher and disrespect to any religion and community by any student shall not be tolerated and the delinquent may be suspended or even expelled from the school.
- Cameras, costly watches, gold ornaments, electronic gadgets, mobile phones etc are not allowed in the school. If anyone bring telephone/electronic gadget even if it is not for use, if found will be taken away from the students and will not be returned. Videography and still photography are not allowed in the school campus.
- Strict silence shall be observed by all in the computer Lab. Computer games, pen drive, CD, etc are not to be brought to computer lab. If anyone come to the computer lab with the above mentioned items, they will be confiscated and shall not be returned. No student is permitted to use password to lock the computers.
- Parents/ guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview the teachers during school hour. No student is allowed to leave the school during school hours without the permission of the Headmaster. Ordinarily half day leave is not allowed.